Source code for hoomd_flowws.RunHPMC

import collections
import contextlib
import itertools
import logging

import numpy as np

from .internal import intfloat, HoomdContext
import flowws
from flowws import Argument as Arg
import hoomd
import hoomd.hpmc
from . import Run

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BOX_MOVE_NAMES = ['aspect', 'length', 'shear', 'volume', 'ln_volume']

[docs]@flowws.add_stage_arguments class RunHPMC(Run): """Run for some number of steps using HPMC""" ARGS = [ Arg('steps', '-s', intfloat, None, required=True, help='Number of timesteps to run'), Arg('integrator', '-i', str, None, required=True, help='Integrator type'), Arg('pressure', None, float, 1, help='Pressure for isobaric simulations'), Arg('backup_period', '-b', intfloat, 0, help='Period for dumping a backup file'), Arg('dump_period', '-d', intfloat, 0, help='Period for dumping a trajectory file'), Arg('expand_by', None, float, help='Expand each dimension of the box by this ratio during this stage'), Arg('compress_to', None, float, help='Compress to the given packing fraction during this stage (overrides expand_by)'), Arg('integrator_seed', None, int, 14, help='Random number seed for integration method'), Arg('tune', '-t', (float, int, intfloat), metavar=('acceptance_ratio', 'epochs', 'steps'), help='Tune move distances to achieve the target acceptance ratio ' 'after updating a given number of epochs and running the given ' 'number of steps at each epoch'), Arg('box_move_aspect', None, (float, float), metavar=('distance', 'weight'), help='Move distance and weight for box aspect ratio moves'), Arg('box_move_length', None, (float, float), metavar=('distance', 'weight'), help='Move distance and weight for box length moves'), Arg('box_move_ln_volume', None, (float, float), metavar=('distance', 'weight'), help='Move distance and weight for box log-volume moves'), Arg('box_move_shear', None, (float, float), metavar=('distance', 'weight'), help='Move distance and weight for box shear moves'), Arg('box_move_volume', None, (float, float), metavar=('distance', 'weight'), help='Move distance and weight for box volume moves'), ] def setup_integrator(self, scope, storage, context): system = scope['system'] particle_types = system.particles.types integrator_type = self.arguments['integrator'] type_shapes = scope.get('type_shapes', dict(type='Sphere')) shape_types = [shape['type'] for shape in type_shapes] rounding_radii = [shape.get('rounding_radius', 0) for shape in type_shapes] assert len(set(shape_types)) == 1, 'HPMC only supports systems with a single shape type (for example, all convex polyhedra)' shape_type = shape_types[0] if shape_type == 'Sphere': integrator = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.sphere(self.arguments['integrator_seed']) elif shape_type == 'Polygon': if max(rounding_radii) > 0: assert all(not is_concave(shape) for shape in type_shapes), 'Rounded polygons must be convex' integrator = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.convex_spheropolygon( self.arguments['integrator_seed']) else: if any(is_concave(shape) for shape in type_shapes): integrator = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.simple_polygon( self.arguments['integrator_seed']) else: integrator = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.convex_polygon( self.arguments['integrator_seed']) for (typ, shape) in zip(particle_types, type_shapes): integrator.shape_param.set( typ, vertices=shape['vertices'], sweep_radius=shape.get('rounding_radius', 0)) elif shape_type == 'ConvexPolyhedron': if max(rounding_radii) > 0: integrator = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.convex_spheropolyhedron( self.arguments['integrator_seed']) for (typ, shape) in zip(particle_types, type_shapes): integrator.shape_param.set( typ, vertices=shape['vertices'], sweep_radius=shape.get('rounding_radius', 0)) else: integrator = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.convex_polyhedron( self.arguments['integrator_seed']) for (typ, shape) in zip(particle_types, type_shapes): integrator.shape_param.set( typ, vertices=shape['vertices']) if integrator_type == 'nvt': if any('box_move_{}'.format(name) in self.arguments for name in ['length', 'volume', 'ln_volume']): raise ArgumentError('NVT integration mode specified, but box moves were also enabled') elif integrator_type == 'npt': if all('box_move_{}'.format(name) not in self.arguments for name in ['length', 'volume', 'ln_volume']): raise ArgumentError('Must enable box moves for NPT simulations') else: raise NotImplementedError(integrator_type) updater = self.setup_box_updater(scope, storage, context, integrator) frame, _ = self.load_move_distance(scope, storage, context, integrator, updater) # we should only create a tuner object if we haven't already # done tuning for this stage can_tune = frame < scope['cumulative_steps'] - self.arguments['steps'] if self.arguments.get('tune', None) and can_tune: import gtar # throw ImportErrors before running any steps (acceptance_ratio, epochs, period) = self.arguments['tune'] child_arguments = dict(self.arguments) child_arguments['steps'] = epochs*period del child_arguments['tune'] child_arguments['tune_acceptance_ratio'] = acceptance_ratio child_arguments['tune_epochs'] = epochs child_scope = dict(scope) child_scope['cumulative_steps'] += epochs*period - self.arguments['steps'] TuneHPMC(**child_arguments).run(child_scope, storage) # now the tuned move distances have been saved, so we can # retrieve them for this stage self.load_move_distance(scope, storage, context, integrator, updater) scope['integrator'] = integrator return integrator def setup_box_updater(self, scope, storage, context, integrator): should_create = any(self.arguments.get('box_move_{}'.format(name), False) for name in BOX_MOVE_NAMES) should_create |= self.arguments['integrator'] == 'npt' updater = None if should_create: updater = hoomd.hpmc.update.boxmc( integrator, self.arguments['pressure'], self.arguments['integrator_seed'] + 20) for name in BOX_MOVE_NAMES: if 'box_move_{}'.format(name) not in self.arguments: continue (distance, weight) = self.arguments['box_move_{}'.format(name)] getattr(updater, name)(delta=distance, weight=weight) scope['box_updater'] = updater return updater def load_move_distance(self, scope, storage, context, integrator, updater): import gtar # per-type move distance arrays for translation/rotation/box distances = {} frame = -1 dump_filename = scope.get('dump_filename', 'dump.sqlite') local_context = contextlib.ExitStack() with local_context: try: dump_file = local_context.enter_context( dump_filename, 'rb', on_filesystem=True, noop=scope['mpi_rank'])) traj = local_context.enter_context(gtar.GTAR(, 'r')) except (FileNotFoundError, RuntimeError): return -1, {} # grab per-type distance arrays for (frame, trans) in traj.recordsNamed('type_translation_distance'): if int(frame) <= scope['cumulative_steps']: distances['translation'] = trans frame = int(frame) else: break for (frame, rot) in traj.recordsNamed('type_rotation_distance'): if int(frame) <= scope['cumulative_steps']: distances['rotation'] = rot frame = int(frame) else: break for name in BOX_MOVE_NAMES: box_name = 'box_{}'.format(name) distance_name = '{}_distance'.format(box_name) for (frame, rot) in traj.recordsNamed(distance_name): if int(frame) <= scope['cumulative_steps']: distances[box_name] = rot frame = int(frame) else: break if distances: types = context.snapshot.particles.types kwargs = dict() if 'translation' in distances: kwargs['d'] = dict(zip(types, distances['translation'])) if 'rotation' in distances: kwargs['a'] = dict(zip(types, distances['rotation'])) integrator.set_params(**kwargs) for (key, distance) in distances.items(): if key.startswith('box_') and updater is not None: name = key[4:] getattr(updater, name)(delta=distance) msg = 'Loaded tuned move distances from {} for frame {}: {}'.format( dump_filename, frame, distances) logger.debug(msg) return frame, distances
class TuneHPMC(RunHPMC): """Helper class to be inserted as a stage immediately before a RunHPMC stage. Sets up a move size tuner, runs a certain number of steps while updating, and then discards the system state while saving the move size state. """ ARGS = RunHPMC.ARGS + [ Arg('tune_acceptance_ratio', None, float), Arg('tune_epochs', None, int), ] def setup_dumps(self, scope, storage, context): # disable dumps for this pseudo-stage pass def run_steps(self, scope, storage, context): context.cancel_saving() epochs = self.arguments['tune_epochs'] acceptance_ratio = self.arguments['tune_acceptance_ratio'] steps_per_epoch = self.arguments['steps']/epochs tunables = ['d'] if 'type_shapes' not in scope else ['d', 'a'] integrator = scope['integrator'] tuner = hoomd.hpmc.util.tune( integrator, tunables, target=acceptance_ratio) box_tuner = None updater = scope.get('box_updater', None) if updater is not None: tunable_map = dict( length=['dLx', 'dLy', 'dLz'], volume=['dV'], ln_volume=['dlnV'], shear=['dxy', 'dxz', 'dyz'], aspect=[] # aspect tuning is not builtin ) tunables = sum( (tunable_map[name] for name in BOX_MOVE_NAMES if 'box_move_{}'.format(name) in self.arguments), []) box_tuner = hoomd.hpmc.util.tune_npt( updater, tunables, target=acceptance_ratio) for epoch in range(epochs): tuner.update() if box_tuner is not None: box_tuner.update() self.save_tune_results(scope, storage, context) def save_tune_results(self, scope, storage, context): import gtar # step count before this stage beginning_steps = scope['cumulative_steps'] - self.arguments['steps'] types = context.snapshot.particles.types if scope['mpi_rank']: return integrator = scope['integrator'] translation, rotation = [], [] for t in types: translation.append(integrator.get_d(t)) rotation.append(integrator.get_a(t)) updater = scope.get('box_updater', None) box_distances = {} if updater is not None: for name in BOX_MOVE_NAMES: box_distances[name] = getattr(updater, name)()['delta'] dump_filename = scope.get('dump_filename', 'dump.sqlite') msg = 'Dumping tuned move distances to {}: translation {}, rotation {}'.format( dump_filename, translation, rotation) logger.debug(msg) local_context = contextlib.ExitStack() with local_context: dump_file = local_context.enter_context( dump_filename, 'ab', on_filesystem=True, noop=scope['mpi_rank'])) getar_file = local_context.enter_context(gtar.GTAR(, 'a')) path = 'hpmc/frames/{}/type_translation_distance.f32.uni'.format(beginning_steps) getar_file.writePath(path, translation) path = 'hpmc/frames/{}/type_rotation_distance.f32.uni'.format(beginning_steps) getar_file.writePath(path, rotation) for (key, value) in box_distances.items(): path = 'hpmc/frames/{}/box_{}_distance.f32.uni'.format( beginning_steps, key) getar_file.writePath(path, value) def is_concave(polygon): vertices = np.array(polygon['vertices'], dtype=np.float32) delta = np.roll(vertices, -1, axis=0) - vertices return np.any(np.cross(delta, np.roll(delta, -1, axis=0)) < 0)